Partner Betrayal Trauma

The term partner betrayal trauma first emerged from the world of sex addiction treatment as a way to describe the experience of being a partner to someone with a sex addiction. Typically, the partner experiences being lied to many times, being told that his/her perception is wrong, and having trust broken again and again. When these experiences happen as part of a significant relationship, they can feel as if they are life-threatening, and often result in a symptom set that is very similar to the symptoms for post-traumatic stress injury. One difference is that the injuries are still happening, which makes partner betrayal trauma both acute and chronic.

Historically, these partners and family members were told they were codependent and complicit in the addiction behaviors. However, trauma-informed treatment focuses on resolving trauma, grieving the loss of trust and confidence, and rebuilding the self based on strengths and goals. In many cases EMDR Therapy is extremely effective in working with partner betrayal trauma.



  • Obsessing about where partner is, often using tracking apps
  • Repeatedly grilling partner about choices and actions
  • Going through partner’s phone frequently
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Sleep disruption
  • Compulsive eating or loss of appetite
  • Self-doubt over even simple choices