Therapists and Helping Professionals

Therapists, social workers, child protective workers, doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and others in helping capacities…depending on the clients they work with and the environment they work in, the load can sometimes be very heavy and the internal pressure can feel like a volcano about to blow.

People in these professions can experience conditions which impair their work and sap the joy from their personal lives:

  • Vicarious trauma – feeling as if the trauma their clients tell them about has happened to them
  • Secondary trauma – experiencing your own trauma as a result of witnessing clients’ trauma
  • Primary trauma – unresolved traumatic experience from your own past is triggered through what the client is reporting
  • Compassion fatigue – similar to burnout, this happens when compassion runs dry and you have nothing left to give
  • Avoidance of work – when any of the above is present, you may feel like you can’t work because of weariness

Therapy, Coaching, and Consultation Can Help!

The tools and techniques and theories and foundations we use to help others usually escape us when we are in need.

  • Guided visualization
  • EMDR Therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Movement therapy
  • Just plain old talking…

Let Beverly help you find the path back to joy and fulfillment, in your work and your daily life.